What is the certificate of authenticity joining each artwork I will receive with my purchase and what is it used for?
Used mainly to identify, declare and authenticate an artwork, the certificate of authenticity must follow the artwork throughout its life. This also makes it possible to establish whether an artwork is authentic or not and it is also useful for the day a collector wishes to obtain a profit during the resale of his work, he needs this certificate to establish the price at time T of the work according to the current price of the artist and the art market. A certificate of authenticity must include a certain amount of information to be useful, but it must also be difficult to copy or imitate so that the collector is not deceived on the authenticity of the work he wishes to acquire.
What kind of certificate does CECILIA DJK ART issue?
Certificates of authenticity being a security for collectors, I have chosen to opt for certificates allowing a certain effectiveness in terms of security in order to prevent counterfeiters or malicious people from easily reproducing it. Formalization, traceability, archiving and security of certificates are important for art investors, which is why I produce all of my certificates on highly secure paper.
The certificate of authenticity
This is the certificate of authenticity created on the online website https: //www.arttrustonline.com/account/.
To look up for its features, please click here.
Thank you for your attention, hoping I can touch your hearts and appeal to your emotions with my paintings.